Dance of the month - Belle Qui

This month will be fairly short since I got caught up last month. I would like to spend a few minutes though discussing a strange concept in dancing. It is called flirting. I have spoken of this a few times to various people but now I have a captive audience so..... Dancing was perhaps the ONLY time, historically, that you were not being heavily chaperoned. Hence you should be making as many contacts out on the dance floor as you can. The easiest way to do this is with eye contact. Once you have caught your partner's eye, put a twinkle in your eye and don't let their eyes go. One of the best places to do this is when "siding". You should wind up beside your partner (or a half step further) looking coyly at them over your shoulder.

Another useful method is actual contact. The SCA dances are LOADED with reverances, yet no-one seems to have considered the option of kissing your partner's hand while reverancing (very easy in hole in the wall). A light caress when you take your partner's hand can also work wonders. While we are on the topic there is a much more advanced technique that does not involve actual contact. It fits in very well with the Belle Qui. As you parade around your partner run your hand along their chin or upper chest, but DON'T actually make contact. Try it sometime if you can get the accuracy you need, you will be amazed at the reactions.

Enough said, on to the dance. This piece is entitled Belle Qui which is actually the title of the music to which it is danced. The is, to the best of my knowledge, no dance entitled Belle Qui. The most commonly used dance is the Carolingian Pavanne, created by Baron Patri of Carolingia. The steps are as follows: Pavanne set (L), Pavanne set (R), Pavanne Set (L), Pavanne Set (R) back. Women do a L pavanne set counter clockwise around their partner, flirting like mad with the man. Then women do a pavanne set R around their partner flirting like mad with the gentleman behind him. Men then repeat the cirle and flirting around their partner. The dance then repeats.

Now one more time through the definitions for those who have forgotten them. A pavanne set L is step L, together, step R, together, step L, step R, step L, together. A pavanne set R is step R, together, step L, together, step R, step L, step R, together.

That should keep us for the christmas break. I'll see you all at the practice on the 6th. A merry midwinter to you all.